Last week had been extra sweet.. I had been away from campus for about 3 months, but was already getting nostalgic.. I got a chance to visit Delhi on official duty briefly and managed to take a weekend out..
The saturday and sunday was hectic with a visit to all the usual hangouts.. satya niketan, rajinder dhaba, supreme bakery, munirka amongst others!! We managed a mini reunion of people working in and around Delhi, at Ansal's plaza :) It was nice to see all the faces and hear their version of the corporate stories..!
the hangouts remain the same!!!
did china bowl and colonel's exist during your time????
Did you guys go to Al kauser or is it something new..the dominos at anand niketan...the late night pizzas from slice of italy...are these all more recent additions or did they exist in ur time on campus?
@Hriday - nice to hear this.. brings back old memories!
Yes, China bowl, Al Kauser, dominos @ Anand niketan were there and were visited. China bowl was a favorite amongst these.. Guess colonel's, slice of italy did not exist then or were just not on the list.
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