Is it any coincidence that New Year resolutions get way too much attention, than Year-end self reviews? Post from a friend, inspired me to reflect on my past year. So, here is my self-assessment of the year gone by:
What went right?
- Travel: Went solo backpacking this year. Got other avenues to travel domestic and abroad, a mix of official, leisure and treks.
- Focus on Interests: Found time to focus more on areas of interest - Data, Technology, Startups & Design. Could start connecting with the community on these areas.
- Writing: Got back to blogging & maintained a decent rhythm through the year.
- Social network: New-found connect with Twitter that helped focus on areas of interest and with people to track; though need to carefully balance this away from becoming an addiction.
- Movies: Watched a good set of Movies, including top rated regional ones.
What went wrong?
- Poor execution: Did not really track against the yearly plan that I had put together at the start of year.
- Insufficient Reading: Continued to accumulate too much of stuff to read, but didn't devote enough time for most of it, including books.
- Sub-optimal self-organization: Better prioritization & time management scream for attention.
- Inefficient housekeeping: Not too happy with the way I've re-organized internal stuff such as notes, pictures, videos, articles and other things of interest.
Perhaps, goes without saying that for 2016 I need to continue with the 'rights' and fix the 'wrongs'. That's pretty much what I look forward to in the coming year.
"Let no one discourage your ambitious attitude. You don't need a fan club to achieve your goals. Be your own motivation." - Unknown