Monday, July 31, 2006

The search for an 'appropriate' subject..

I get a strange feeling when I sit down to write a new post. What do I write about?

Probably it must be the job and the additional baggage. When I used to write from Delhi during my MBA days, I had never minced words when it came to pulling the legs of my friends or voicing my opinion about some sensitive issues that surrounded me!! Well, its a good thing that they had taken it all in right the spirit and spared me extra 'bumps' during my bdays and other's! However, its not practical to extend it on a similar note to my co-workers! Many a time I had glanced through blogs of socially irresponsible employees who had washed dirty linen in public and had turned their blogs into rumour mills. A nasty way to vent ire indeed..

However, a little contemplation gives answers to these questions. It indeed is possible to keep moving.. just spare the pointed references and bring in some anonymity whenever things could get personal to someone or something. However, I'm not sparing my old pals yet! Sorry, you would have to bear with me for some more time!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Blogger's Block!!

2 months and 10 days... well, thats how long the 'block' has managed to survive, thanks to the frenetic pace of change and activity that surrounds my existence presently.. This gap was something I had dreaded of, from the moment I created my webpage..

In the past, there have been many a weeks wherein I had longingly browsed through my past blog-posts, all the while consoling my 'inner writer' that, his time will come too, yet again!! Now that I'm back here, its feels like a whiff of fresh air is blowing and making me feel lighter.. It just reminds me that writing has been one of my most enjoyable hobbies and I've thoroughly enjoyed every minute I've spent blogging..

After this comeback, my 'inner writer' (and you ofcourse) can rest assured that there would be steady posts coming in here.. The revised frequency would be about once a week, unless ofcourse I manage to have an out-of-the-world-happening like our 'Agra tour' (This still is one of my most favourite posts!!) Keep watching this space..
