Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Feature request for Twitter

Earlier this month, I got a user feedback survey questionnaire from Twitter in my account. Here are the 3 things I had asked for:

1. Smarter way to consume tweets in my account. If I manage to log in twice a day, I have several hundred tweets in my stream for the ~180 people I follow. If this is the volume with daily usage of twitter, I pity those following over 500 or 1000 people and accessing twitter once every few days. The current solution is for one to skip the tweets stream altogether or mute people, both of which defeat the very purpose of following others in the first place. One solution could be a smart summary of relevant tweets or a digest that brings one up to speed since the last login.

2. Better profile stats for a twitter account. While looking up the profile of an individual, I'd really like to see more than a simple listing of thousands of tweets & followers of a user. It would be nice to show an aggregation of interested categories, activity and how aligned is the person to my network. Today, its impossible to look at your own summary of historical activity level, unless you get an offline archive.

3. Smart recommendation of who to follow and what to read. Yes, there is some recommendation in place of 'you might be interested in', but that can get a lot smarter by going beyond the direct network. Bubbling up to most relevant tweets by interested categories / location / user's network would do a world of good to exploring the twitter-verse better.

In summary, context-relevant tools, content discovery features & a smarter analytics layer can make Twitter even more awesome.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Germany after Hitler - an interesting history

While visiting Bonn recently, the erstwhile capital of West Germany, I made a stop at the Museum of Contemporary History, a highly rated local attraction. The museum had free entry, but the real surprise and relief was to find an English audio guide! Perhaps because of the historical western influence for this part of the country, most boards were in English too.

The gallery entrance was setup like a rubble from the bombings of war, with signs proclaiming the allies' final push towards capturing Berlin in the Second World War. This, was the theme of this museum - to trace the history of Germany from 1945 until present day, covering all aspects of the final Nazi defeat, surrender treaty, reconstruction efforts by the victors, division of Germany and the eventual unification, while also abundantly covering the economy, culture and people aspects of the past 70 years. I thoroughly enjoyed the museum, spent my entire day there, learning quite a bit about these oft-missed aspects. 

Enough has been written about the world war, Nazi atrocities and the various battles, but the trials and tribulations of picking up a country that was all but destroyed in a major war, and tracing the path of its recovery back to world dominance is a commendable topic that needs detailing. Germany is promoting this museum to let its people and tourists learn this checkered past, and it was heartening to see a lot of families and locals spending time educating their kids on their national history!

Collection of interesting pictures & cartoons

Here, I share some of my favorite pictures & brilliant cartoons split across 3 key phases of this history:

1. Culmination of WWII and the Nazi defeat
This shows the final days of war & internal deep discontent on Nazi rule. Actual bomb shells, bricks and recovered household items are used to recreate real war scenes, combined with posters of the joint rule established under Soviet-US-UK-France. Heart-wrenching is the gallery on millions of missing civilians & the re-tracing efforts. The actual TV clippings of orphaned kids shown on TV, in an effort to trace the parents is poignant, where most kids are so young that they just smile innocently at the camera.

Entrance with actual vehicles used.. Partial structures built with actual bricks
...and a lot of war rubble & bomb shells Map with occupation areas after Nazi defeat

2. Germany's Division & twin diverging paths of reconstruction
The stark contrast in the reconstruction efforts of West & East Germany under the US and Soviet rules is highlighted. Interesting stories about the controversial Marshal plan, Candy bombers, rigged elections and historic events of nation building are covered through excellent articles, videos & samples. The events leading up to the Berlin wall and massive casualties suffered therein are captured too.

Cartoon showing different approach of US & USSR Germany's Rulers
Creative setup of 2 zones showing conditions in the East & West Cartoon on policies
Cartoon shows East Germany starving & isolated Powerful cartoon on Hitler vs Stalin
The Berlin wall & the Geographic division

3. Socio-economic progress, Economic miracle and resurgence of a unified Germany
This is a heart-warming section on setting up of a social market economy and the Economic miracle led by German scientific progress & brand building - Beetle, Braun, Zeiss lenses, Adler typewriters, Steiff toys, Bayer pharma and hundred others are shown with earliest products. The impact of reconstruction on culture and everyday life is tracked through changing nature of day-to-day objects & actual posters. And yes, there is also a separate gallery celebrating Germany's miraculous 1954 Soccer world cup triumph!
Brilliant cartoon on lowering of post-war restrictions for Germany
Early products of the brands that made Germany.. Why Balance of Trade?
Artifacts on scientific progress.. Interesting twist in the 'logo' tale

Monday, September 28, 2015

My first time lapse video: Super Moon

Fascinated by some travel time lapse videos I had come across earlier, I was quite excited to discover an android app, Framelapse that lets you shoot one. Luckily, the first video I shot was that of the Super Moon, on same day as the rare celestial event of Super Blood Moon. With some basic processing and music mixing (music courtesy Longzijun), here is the video:

Super Blood Moon - a Timelapse Video from Ganes Kesari on Vimeo.

Later today, the rare blood moon will become visible during the eclipse, only in a few countries. Look forward to see some pictures, and perhaps a time lapse video as well.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Great Ideas failed by poor Execution: the Helmet Dilemma

Couple of weeks back, the Telangana Regional Transport Authority (RTA) made it mandatory to purchase helmets before your 2-wheelers can get registered. Definitely a well intentioned move to promote road safety. However, the roll-out and execution of this plan has been very poorly managed.

Waiting in the RTA office with all documents ready to register my two-wheeler, it was a nightmare to see the local official walk into office and past a 'new circular' that was active with immediate effect. This mandated all 2-wheelers to be sold with a helmet, and hence all registration documents had to furnish this new bill. Vehicle Showrooms & agents were clueless about this and people scrambled to comply by getting their invoice bills re-printed, in case they had already bought a helmet with the vehicle. What should have been a straightforward 30-minute registration process wasted over half a day in the confusion, for most people who were office-goers.

Interestingly, the Indian 'jugaad' fix-it-all adapts fastest to such bureaucracy and responds with amazing alacrity. In hardly a couple of hours, the agents had modified their 'rate card' to include this new 'product' to make some more money:

Registration without license :    Rs. 500  
Registration without helmet : + Rs. 300

What should have resulted in more people buying helmets and improving adoption, ended up as a money-making scheme for agents and local officials. Perhaps, it calls for a lot more than plain 'noble intention' to do some public good.