Please don't get me wrong.. No, i've never tried my hand at it! However, chain-mailers have always fascinated me. I've come to believe that their's is one of the most creative jobs!! They manage to dupe fairly intelligent people to send out copies of essentially stupid mails with untrue information to everyone on their list.
Now what is the motive of these chain-mailers? Simple: They get a kick in seeing their message go around the world with minimal effort and at no cost. And at times if people are extra stupid, they manage to extract sensitive information as well. They appeal to people at two levels: rational and emotional. Most people succumb to one of these. Its interesting to see how they do it.
At a Rational level, they bring out the inherent greed in people. Sample this: "Bill Gates would pay $1000 for every mail forwarded as it helps him to test some Microsoft mail tracking software". This hoax mail went round the whole world in 1997! Even if Gates had paid a tenth of the money, Microsoft would have gone bankrupt years back!! Another irritating mail is that of Yahoo or Orkut deleting accounts of people who don't forward the mail to everyone on their list.
At an Emotional level, people are suckers to do a LOT of good without spending a penny out of their pocket! How many times have we heard of a baby with 'small cell cancer' or some other unpronouncible disease looking for help and that a poor sponsor will donate $1 for every mail sent. There are ones with emotional blackmails like "If you love your parents forward this or else, shame on you"!
There are other specimens that curse people with definitive things like a break-up or worse, 'bad sex for 5 years'!! God save the victims :)