Sunday, December 13, 2015

Making healthcare solutions exciting through Design

Marketing of healthcare services is a tough nut to crack. How do you communicate complex services to a lay audience? How can healthcare problems with morbid connotations be made palatable? Even if you manage these, how do you improve engagement level and brand recall by making this exciting?

Yashoda hospital has solved this quite innovatively, through refreshing ad designs, that use:
  1. Creative symbolism to simplify the complexity of problems, 
  2. Terse captioning with simple words to capture the essence of solution
  3. Brilliant graphic design leveraging loads of white space
The big billboard ads put up by Yashoda hospital in various parts of Hyderabad in the past months were unmissable. Check out some of the more notable ones here:

All Pictures sourced from Yashoda hospitals channels on FB, Twitter, Google+

1 comment:

raj said...

Nice Creatives! Looks awesome and informative.