Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Blogging.. getting the content & posting rhythm right

I had resumed blogging around last year, after a long lull. Over the past year, I've published around 65 posts, thanks to an initial spurt of 20 posts from my North-East solo backpacking trip in April '15. I had subsequently set myself a target of roughly one post a week, which I've pushed myself hard to follow, for the past 8 months. 

And, last month I missed the rhythm and for about 45 days now, I haven't published anything. I've noticed that every post takes about 2 hours to write, edit, look up references and add links before hitting the 'publish' button. This is significant, considering that I sit down to write a post after I've fully deconstructed the topic and points mentally, and have pretty much written it first, in my head! 

Over the past month, I've scribbled a dozen ideas and even have unfinished drafts of a couple of posts. My realization was that the killer in this process was the 2-hour time to publish each post. Just as I thought about this, I came across this nice post from Mark Suster. I'm quoting a few portions of the article that resonates well with my situation here:

....I know that if I obsess over any individual post I would simply never write.... We often feel inspired to cover a topic and we sit at our keyboards until the idea is on the screen. Some days we nail it, others we think “meh” but in either case we hit publish and move on.

....“You’ll fail simply because you’re too smart. You’ve gotten to where you are by being a perfectionist. You will only want to write fully researched pieces. You’ll want too many people to read and comment on your posts before you hit publish. You’ll want to write long, thoughtful posts that make you sound academic. When you start you will publish 5 long posts filled with industry jargon and buzzwords and the process will kill you. By month three you will have stopped out of exhaustion.”

....“If I could give you one piece of advice it would be this. Take a topic, deconstruct it into individual parts and make each bullet point a post. Each topic should have 10 ideas and if you have 3 topics then you’ll have 30 posts ready to write before you even start. Keep each under 750 words, use no jargon, and at the end of writing each post hit publish. Publish or perish. You can always revise it later but frankly you’re better off moving to the next post. 70% of what you write will just be ok, 25% will suck and 5% will be inspired.”

I'm trying to cap the publishing time for every post to 30 minutes or less, and get done with posting it. There would be the occasional, longer ones fed by thoughts & drafts growing over time, but those would be exceptions. So, I will experiment with shorter posts, a tad 'un-edited' and with lesser research & references. But I guess that will keep the flow going.

PS: Its 25 minutes and am hitting the 'publish' button now!