Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tales about the Monk's Ferrari!!

The other day I was browsing at the Crosswords bookstore, my favorite pastime these days, and came across the book titled "I bought the Monk's Ferrari"! Surprised and amused, I flipped through the volume and realized that it had no relation whatsoever to the bestseller "The Monk who sold his Ferrari" other than the fact that both were self-improvement books.

The author, Ravi Subramanian (an IIMB passout) must be commended for astutely choosing this title to readily bank on the top-of-the-mind recall! The title sure makes heads turn, though the cover could've been designed better. However, I found the book to be just one other amongst run-of-the-mill Self-Help books. The author goes out of the way to establish the 'Ferrari' connection and that looks artifical. Nevertheless, the fact that some of the 'ten commandments' stand out and prod the reader to imbibe them, shows that the author has managed to partly achieve what he set out for.


Bala said...

Thanks for your suggestion for a car. I am looking at a used car from a reliable source.

btw, I have a similar comment about Ravi's Ferrari book at my blog

Anonymous said...

Hi. I also happened to read your comment on Balas blog. I am glad that my book was received very well. I wanted to inform you that my book "If God Was a Banker" has made it to the final shortlist of the India Plaza Golden Quill Awards 2008. hereon votes from readers will be used to decide on the winner. Request you to please click on this link and vote for my book :

thanks and regards
ravi subramanian